Hello from Florida,
Been adventuring my whole life in jeeps, vans and motorcycles.
Have a global capable E350 4X4 CUBE VAN.
Want to explore South America in an economical vehicle that is comfortable to sleep in.
a Fly & buy bargain would be great .
Hi all,
My husband and I own an ex military ambulance, we converted it into a camper. So far we have travelled mostly across Europe and into Turkey always off the beaten track. Looking forward to the return of more normal times to get back on the road.
Hello Overlanders!
My family and I are driving from Johannesburg to Arusha in December (next week!) and this forum has been so helpful for making our plans.
we are heading through Botswana and Zambia to Tanzania, driving a Toyota Landcruiser Double Cab 4.0L! And we are really excited about it!

Asante sana
Hello Fellow travelers,

I am Kalkidan, originally from Ethiopia but spent most of my life in Sudan. I have been to Europe, and now I study in the U.S.
This summer, I look forward to travel to Egypt and visit historical sites. Honestly, I am writing my graduate research about the rich culture of the Nubian people in the area so I figured traveling to Egypt will be worthy.
Hello everyone. I have just registered, but have been lurking for sometime.
Most of my travels have been in and around western europe. Now is the time to spread my wings and go further a field

Hi there,

New to overlanding, but the proud owner of a Landcruiser 75, purchased for trip to follow the (exact) 1907 Peking to Paris motorace route -- about which my wife is writing a history. Seeking advice about Belarus, Russia and China specifically -- also shipping!

Hi, I am Ashley, currently living in Rwanda. We don't necessarily overland, as much as move around Africa with our jobs. We drove our VW wagon from Malawi to Rwanda and are now moving to Mauritius. We are now looking for shipping options. We have an infant and 2 dogs, so we won't be driving anywhere for awhile.
[QUOTE = "Cheldon, message: 12229, membre: 1024"]
Bonjour, je viens d'Allemagne, voyage beaucoup, depuis 3 ans avec un 4x4 Mercedes Sprinter. Les derniers voyages ont conduit en Suède, au Maroc, en Mauritanie ainsi qu'en Asie centrale dans le Pamir et les montagnes du TienShan. Le Caucase est prévu pour 2016 ou si la situation s'aggrave dans l'est de la Turquie, en Carélie / Russie.
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Grüss Gott, j'ai un Sprinter 4*4 en cours d'aménagement pour un tour du monde de 3 ans. Je pars dans un an normalement. Que penses tu du Sprinter et de ses qualités Offroad? As-tu le 4*4 de Mercedes ou le Iglhaut? Ciao Serge
Bonjour à tous,
Nous partons dans un an en Van Sprinter 4 * 4 aménagé. Le van est en cours de construction et sera livré en mai / juin. On fera un premier tour et test au Maroc en aout et nous partirons définitivement début 2022. On a prévu de partir d'abord vers l'Est et faire les pays en "Stan" et l'Iran. Suivra ensuite la Mongolie, la Chine pour aller ds le sud jusqu'en Australie / NZ. Nous y resterons quelques temps, si possible, pour continuer soit d'abord en Amérique du Sud ou en Afrique. On verra ça en cours de route. Pour nous l'essentiel est la découverte, la route, les grands espaces, les belles rencontres et les sourires ... Nous avons découvert ce site en regardant les chaines YouTube notamment celle des Marioles Trotters. Nous récoltons des informations pour préparer au mieux l ' aventure et voyager dans un premier temps à travers les autres (ce qui rend l'attente encore plus compliquée ...). J'ai de mon côté fait un Berlin-Cap de Bonne-Espérance en moto il y a bien longtemps de ça. J'en ai gardé le goût de l'aventure et des grands espaces. Avec ma femme nous adorons voyager, être ensemble, découvrir et s'enrichir l'esprit.
Nous saluons tous les lecteurs atteins du même virus du voyage.
Bien à vous
Hafssa et Serge
Hi everyone,
Vince from France, planning to travel West Africa (Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Ivory Coast and many more) from Europe. Currently trying to buy a Toyota Hiace.
Hope to hear from you very soon!

Hi I am Felix. Looking forward to travel through east Africa this year all the way down to Cape Town.
Just bought a Defender from 96’. I am currently building it up to do longer trips.
Last year I already had some first experience on a little trip from Hamburg up to the northern cape and back via Helsinki.

P.S. based on the Baltic Sea in Germany
hi everyone
thank you for letting me join the group .
im a ex truck driver and drove all over europe and have traveled quit a bit 2 years ago i took my wife and 2 kids 6 and 9 at the time on a 5week tour of europe all the way down to greece and back though albania and the balkans and they want to do more which is great were looking at the possabilties of building a truck so im looking for some ideas
based just outside nw london
Hi everyone! Excited to have found this resource. In the pipeline is a south/ east and west Africa trip in my Landcrusier Troopcarrier with my partner and kid. It’s probably still a few years but I’m keen to start planning! Will be the first big overland trip for me with my own transport. Had four years in South America but did it all by bus!!
Hello, we are a couple living in Spain, we are currently preparing a long trip from Spain to Australia, passing through Iran and Mongolia among other countries. We want to make the trip in a Toyota Land Cruiser, we are currently working on it to prepare it for the trip. Greetings to all travelers !! See you on the way.
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Hello Everyone,

I've traveled to about 20 countries over the years, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, hiked in Torres del Paine, climbed in Washington state, driven to and from the Midwest to CA/AZ/WA several times and am considering a drive from Madison, WI to South America to climb Aconcagua....and/or an overland trip through Africa. I'm here to learn more about overlanding for a longer period of time before I dive in with both feet.

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I'm hoping to drive the Central and South American portion of the Pan American Highway. I've driven the US and Canadian portion a couple of times and I'm hoping to drive my Tacoma to Argentina in 2023. Hopefully the borders will be open by then.
Hi everyone,
I cycled from Amsterdam to Tibilisi en since Iran is opening up I'm planning to go further south. Still undecided if I try Pakistan and India or boat to dubai and cycle up to Israel. Towards the Pamirs would also be really cool but its getting cold now.
Found this through fb, but I'd rather not use that so I'm happy with this forum :)
Few years I travelled by train and boat from Amsterdam to lebanon, does that count as overlanding?
Done lots of US in the -90 s while living in Texas. Currently living in Norway. scandinavia, Iceland, UK an Europe thru 2018. Russia and Central Asia (the -Stan’s) in 2019. Possibly Iceland in 2022 and then America. Vehicle Mercedes G500 Offroad Camper being converted in Germany at ICC Off-road.


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Hello , i'm from Portugal.
I've done a few trips and pretend to do much more.
If you need any help in Portugal, i can help.
I live in Ericeira, 35km north from Lisbon .
