Hi from Wothahellizat


New Overlander
Just a brief intro

Worked as electronics engineer and photographer, retired at 45, been travelling around Oz ever since, technically I guess we've been "overlanding" but somehow I don't think it counts if you don't leave your own country :)

12 years of travel and vehicle-build blog here


About to start another build, this time on a Landcruiser, some details here


I did say "never again" but you know how it is, always new ideas and products to try out :)

Hopefully this forum will grow to something worthwhile.

Hey Rob, Welcome to the forum,

Where do you live in Oz?

Where are in Huskisson, Jervis Bay, we have just sent our car of NZ for the next leg but are here for a few more months..

if you are ever around this way let us know...