Hi from Cape Town


New Overlander
Nov 10, 2013
Cape Town, Western Cape
My name is Nazeem, and I am in the retail trade. My wife, Nadeema, is in the admin department of an college of higher learning. My wife and I, are both lovers of the great outdoors. We enjoy camping and long dirt roads and mountain passes.
We are currently planning an overland trip from Cape Town to Jordan via Saudi Arabia. I know that travelling through the middle east could be challenging, especially trying to secure visas.
I feel confident that being a member on this forum will benefit us tremendously with our planning and exchanging of ideas and information.

Happy travels
Hi Nazeem, Welcome to the forum,

Wow not many people have been through Saudi Arabia, would be great to hear about your experiences when you drive through,

Our African footprint drove that way a year back, here's a link to some of their posts..

Good luck with your trip, there is lots of information on the home page http://overlandsphere.com/ just use the search box etc... if you have any questions i'm sure some of our members could help,

Please feel free to share your trip preparation on the forum