Hello from San Francisco Bay Area


New Overlander
Nov 28, 2015
Hello -

Just discovered this site and look forward to browsing around. For now, my vehicle travels have been limited to N. America (of which there is a lot to see), but I spend far too much time dreaming of an extended trip to CA & SA. I'm in a waiting pattern for that trip to finish up life commitments assuring my two sons are well on there way with life and my wife and I are financially set. Should be only 2-3 more years.

My transportation is a 2005 E350 Sportsmobile that continues to be mod'ed to fit my needs. Aside from some 6.0 PSD issues early on, it has never let me down. Has been very reliable in recent years.




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Thanks for the welcome.

Inside is standard Sportsmobile EB50 layout. I don't have any pictures of interior handy (except custom Belgian artwork on the fridge compliments of Strook at 2013 Burning Man), but plenty on the internet of this layout. As for mods there are a lot, but the two that addressed major deficiencies in the van are Deaver suspension all around (major improvement on ride, stability and off-road performance), D70 FF rear end (original D60 SF just didn't hold up to the weight and I caught it just before major failure), and addition of TrueTrac front differential (works flawlessly for how I use the van!). Other than that most mods have been to control engine heat in the cabin or help engine performance / reliability, Solar power related, and/or just convenience upgrades.


