Sudan Gallabat border to Ethiopia blocked on Sa 3.2.2023


New Overlander
Feb 4, 2023
Hey travel buddies
Crossed the border between Sudan and Ethiopia (Gallabat) with a lot of luck yesterday (without car, hitchhiking). Around 25 km off the border the Sudanese army stopped any traffic. Luckily (on the backside of a motorbike) could manage through the blockade (many Ethiopians stranded were not allowed to pass and were stranded there). Around 5 km off to Gallabat there was a huge road blckade made with stones. The situation seemed obviously relaxed, the police did not make any effort to remove the blockade of the "stone-wall", but offered me chai instead. After some conversation they allowedme to get over the blockade towards Gallabat. Arriving on tje ethiopian side, the ethiopien authorities were surprised seeing me crossing, they told me I would be the only one crossing that day and asked what happened on the other side. With your vehicle there I think is currently no chance to get over the stone-wall. It seems there have currently been some clashes between civilians in the border area.

Minibus-drivers in Qidarif should be uptodate.

Cheers Michael


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