US - Gov South Africa - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution

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T Travel Advisories

Global Health Advisory: Do Not Travel. Avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19.

Exercise increased caution in South Africa due to crime, civil unrest, and drought.

Violent crime, such as armed robbery, rape, carjacking, mugging, and "smash-and-grab" attacks on vehicles, is common. There is a higher risk of violent crime in the central business districts of major cities after dark.

Demonstrations, protests, and strikes occur frequently. These can develop quickly without prior notification, often interrupting traffic, transportation, and other services; such events have the potential to turn violent.

South Africa’s Western, Eastern, and Northern Cape Provinces are experiencing a severe drought. Water supplies in some areas may be affected. Residential water-use restrictions are in place in Cape Town and other municipalities. Please see links below for current information.

Please see our Alerts for up-to-date information.

Read the Safety and Security section on the country information page.

If you decide to travel to South Africa:

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