overland expedition vehicles Australia to Europe in 2018


New Overlander
Oct 26, 2017
Two large expedition vehicles Australia to Europe in 2018
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I am planning to take the same route to Europe via Laos, China and Mongolia, Russia etc We are in one car , one driver with two passengers.
Date of entry into Mohan, China is flexible. We will only join you on the China leg at Luang Namta, Laos.
BTW..Are you aware of the latest Rules on foreign vehicles entering Thailand...especially those that are larger and above 3500 kg?
my e-mail add: [email protected]
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With all the new rules and regulations in Thailand and China we are changing our trip.
At the momentwe looking at shipping into South Korea late April early May stay there for 3weeks and then take the ferry to Vladivostok. From there we drive around the top end of China and cross at Altanbulag into Mongolia. Doing the trip this way you can save the money for the guides in Thailand and China besides that we have no problem regarding the size of the vehicles and the age of the drivers.

no China over 60  2.jpg
Hi Tramp, Thanks I am looking at alternatives too, one being similar to your plan to ship your cars to S. Korea, the other being to ship my car to Durban and later ship to Rio and drive up to Canada and ship again to Europe and do Europe and Stans and Mongolia and exit at Vladivostok to Malaysia.... is there a vehicle ferry/RORO from S.Korea to Vladivostok?
All the best on your trip.
After two years we are back in OZ, we had an awesome trip. It’s hard to say which one was our favourite place, but Mongolia and Russia were amazing. What’s next maybe in a few years Canada and Alaska see you there.memories of Mongolia a.jpgmemories of Mongolia 2.JPGmemories of Mongolia 6.JPG