Hello from Los Angeles, California


New Overlander
Jan 7, 2016
Los Angeles, CA
we are planning to begin our travel mid 2016, we would really like to begin in Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, Middle East, etc... we are very interested in starting somewhere near the silk road but open. the planning is a bit overwhelming i.e. shipping, carnet etc.... we are researching all this now. if you have suggestion for a shipping company to anywhere in those areas that is reasonable and reliable please share. if the planning gets too much we might just drive south to South America. very, very easy for us to do.

we have traveled to china on a sidecar motorcycle, viet nam on motorcycle, cross most of the US on motorcycle and with Nulla and of course baja california.

we are also planning on trailering a sidecar motorcycle. what do you think of traveling with a trailer in Asia?
meet our rig Nulla and the sister sidecar (still under construction). thx
pismoca.JPG bahia los angeles.jpg IMG_4951 (1).jpg
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@Nulla, Welcome to the forum...

Where do you plan to ship from? The maps on our other website Home - Overlanding Association , and below may help with planning where to go in Asia with a carnet. For SE Asia, you will only need a carnet if shipping into Malaysia, if you ship into Thailand you can drive round all other SE countries, including Malaysia with out one. Indonesia you do need a current.

Let us know if you have any questions.

thanks this is very helpful. we are in Los Angeles but we will ship anywhere from the west coast; california, portland, washington etc. the only shipping company that responded so far on our inquire is ar Shipping Quotes. the cheapest place to ship seems to be Germany or places in Europe. according to the map that you send most of the countries we would visit requires no carnet; Germany, Poland, Stans country, the only country that requires carnet is Saudi Arabia. that is very good news for us. Nulla is also RHD not a problem in most countries.

What do you think of traveling with a trailer? it is a 6'x 10'x 6' high.

thanks again
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No sure about travelling with a trailer, as i have no personal experiance...

This post Shipping RORO - List of Car Carriers - Route Maps may help with shipping, but the majority of ships going to Europe leave from the East Coast... and are most probably a lot cheaper.

WW seems to have a RORO service from the west coast to Europe: (It may be transshipment)