US - Gov Cote d Ivoire - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution

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Global Health Advisory: Do Not Travel. Avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19

Exercise increased caution in Cote d’Ivoire due to crime and terrorism. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Reconsider Travel To:

  • Northern border region due to terrorism.

Violent crime, such as carjacking, robbery, and home invasion, is common.

Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting areas frequented by foreigners, such as beaches.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens outside of Abidjan. Embassy personnel are prohibited from driving outside the major cities after dark, including between Abidjan, Grand Bassam, and Assinie.

Read the Safety and Security section on the country information page.

If you decide to travel to Cote d’Ivoire:

  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by Westerners.
  • Carry a copy of your passport and visa (if applicable) and leave originals in your hotel safe.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Review the Crime and Safety Report for Cote d’Ivoire.
  • U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist.

Northern Border Region – Level 3: Reconsider Travel

Extremist groups have carried out attacks in adjacent areas of Mali and Burkina Faso. Increased caution and security procedures should be exercised in remote areas adjacent to the northern border.

Last Update: Reissued after periodic review with updates to the Level 3 area.

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