
  1. Backroad Vagrants

    From Germany to Australia

    Hi guys, we are a couple from the South of Germany. After a few years of working, we quit our jobs, and are leaving for a trip from Stuttgart, Germany, to Australia overland, starting end of April. We drive a Toyota Landcruiser HZJ78, and are pretty new to this overlander thing. =) So we are...
  2. Backroad Vagrants

    From Germany to Australia

    Hi guys, we are a couple from the South of Germany. After a few years of working, we quit our jobs, and are leaving for a trip from Stuttgart, Germany, to Australia overland, starting end of April. We drive a Toyota Landcruiser HZJ78, and are pretty new to this overlander thing. =) So we are...
  3. OverlandSphere

    Shipping RORO - List of Car Carriers - Route Maps

    Worldwide Car Carriers for RORO shipping Many overland travellers have asked who provides roro services and where they go to. To help you plan you overland trip we have put together a list of RORO carriers, we have linked to the RORO shipping route maps where possible. All services can be...