central america

  1. Pan to US

    FOR SALE! Ford campervan in NYC

    Finished our trip! We are now selling our beloved old-school and super cool Vanny.Van in NYC. It helped us get to every corner we wanted to between Panama and New York. Now it’s your turn! 1985 Ford E-250, Okanagan campervan. V8 5.8L 161,000 miles (257,600 km) 2 main gas tanks for long drives...
  2. traveling 2gether journal

    California to Panama... Overland Adventure Travel

    My wife and I have been traveling through Mexico and Central America for 1 year. We will soon be turning around in Panama and heading back to North America for a few more adventures before the cash runs out. We have been producing a vlog-style video series on YouTube about our travels. If you...
  3. traveling 2gether journal

    Currently in Costa Rica. Overlanding Mexico/Central America/USA

    Hello. I'm new to the sphere. I am in the midst of a trip through Western USA, Mexico, and Central America. I am traveling with my wife and dog in our 1995 Toyota T100 4x4 with homemade camper. We started in California and have been driving south for 1 year. We are currently in Costa Rica. We...
  4. Elias Branch

    For SALE: Ford Econoline with Bed inside, AC, etc. Panama in January - beginning of February 2017

    [-------- SOLD --------] --- The must knows --- * Van - Ford Econoline - Perfect Travel Van, huge interior, AC, new radio, good for taking people with you and saving on gasoline (we did Mexico-Panama without any problems, jun-dec 2016) * For sale around january - beginning of february in...
  5. Toyota Tequila & Tacos

    Hola from South Mexico

    Toyota Tequila and Tacos! On our way to the end of the Americas continent. Been on the road a bit more than 3 months and heading south. One Australian male and one welsh female, driving a 1997 Toyota Land Cruiser, which is "armoured, lifted, locked and loaded" and thats not meant in a gun toting...
  6. A

    Live the American dream - 1985 Chevrolet Caprice Classic for SALE

    Hey everybody, After living the dream for over a year, it is now sadly time to say goodbye to our best friend, our beloved 1985 Chevy Caprice Station Wagon. While others spend tens of thousands of $$$ on their Toyotas ,hippie VW buses and so forth just to see them break down in every country...
  7. OverlandSphere

    Welcome - Please Read

    Welcome to the Overland Sphere Forum! The Overland Sphere forum is free to use and open to all overland travellers regardless of location or vehicle choice. The forum was recently launched in June 2013, with your help we hope to develop an open forum of overlanders from across the globe...